notes to self

If wishes were pennies and I could fly, I'd be very rich I'd be very high

Aug 29, 2008

Slow Food Farmers' Market

I had a fabulous time today at the Slow Food festival at San Francisco's Civic Center. I bought little potatoes of every color and two kinds of organic brown rice - direct from the farmers. Got some beautiful goat cheese from the lovely Dee Harley of Pescadero. I was thinking I'd save it for when our figs get ripe, but I'll probably eat it today for lunch with this incredible green melon I also picked up. I spun by the Victory Garden. I got a giant cucumber and some endive. The lady even showed how endive grows. It makes this big root; I was amazed. I got Ghee, which is a sort of clarified butter, made from organic Straus Creamery Butter. I met the Straus family. They put in a cool electric system on their Pt. Reyes cattle ranch that utilizes the methane produced by their cattle to provide their electricity. So it prevents all that waste going into the ground, the water, the air. They are young, too. Along with my admiration for their forward thinking in energy, I told them how much I love love love their fat free vanilla yogurt.

I also got intervied by the Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive Video Producer. I saw Don Sanchez there as I was leaving; he's a local news reporter, getting ready to report. As I walked by, some tall skinny guy threw a beer on the ground at their feet and it exploded everywhere. Don was not even rattled. It was getting quite crowded by that time, and I was hot. As I left, I photographed a bus that had another bus upside down on top of it. But I cannot upload any photos from my iPhone until I upgrade my system. Sometimes newer technology doesn't make it easier at all. Certainly not simpler.

The only thing I didn't find that I was looking for was handmade salumi, or whole wheat bread. It was cool anyway.