notes to self

If wishes were pennies and I could fly, I'd be very rich I'd be very high

Aug 28, 2007


So, if I thought it was already bad, every time we go to Kales Avenue, things just look worse. But I try to go over there every day, to water, to see, to pick up the mail, to show my face.
At least the architect, Kathy Rogers, is back from Italy. Whenever we meet with
her, it all seems so possible, so good, so happy. She is just really nice, and comforting. I am still not so sure, but here's what we have chosen for the tiles.
Erin chose this pretty Deco tile for the decoration in the kitchen. By the way,
during a particularly stressful time at work, she chose this French CornuFe stove. She likes it for the color.

Our agreement is, she gets to have more of a say about the kitchen, so I get to decide the new bathroom.

I chose this tile,

hand-painted by a tribe of Native Americans in Oregon.

And then, I found this
incredibly delicious marble at a place in Hayward. Problem is, the contractor wrote up a budget, and I am way over it. Guess I really do have extravagant taste.



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